How You Can Help

There is much to do in service for the children. All of our work is accomplished by volunteers who love to share their skills and resources. If you are interested in participating with us, here are some suggestions:

Volunteer. We welcome new team members with open arms and open minds. We have a variety of tasks to match with your interests: fundraising, event planning, project management, relationship building, marketing, and more.

Travel. Go with us to visit the children and evaluate new projects. Over the next twelve months, we expect to make trips to Brazil, Nicaragua, and Ukraine.

Pray. We desire that God will lead us to the right opportunities and that we will be wise stewards of His resources.

Donate. Every dollar you give goes directly to a children's project. If you wish to donate, please make your check payable to "Christ United Methodist Church" and write "Beyond Our Borders" on the memo line. All donations will be handled as designated funds for Beyond Our Borders projects. If you would like to receive an end of year statement for tax purposes, please include your name and mailing address. Your personal information will not be shared. Checks can be mailed to

Christ United Methodist Church
800 Market Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27516